Karen McClure Coaching

Helping high achieving women learn to slow down, have more time, and live a meaninful life.

This is completely possible for you.

Do you ever find yourself thinking...

“If I could just...”

“I’m not as good as...”

“I should be able to...”

You're not alone.

Women work hard to make sure everything is perfect and right, and then we judge ourselves when we don't meet our own impossible expectations.

I've created a guide full of amazing journal prompts you can use to help you release self-judgment and find more self-appreciation so that you can be successful and make an impact on the world.

Hi! I'm Karen McClure

I'm a lawyer, life coach and recovering perfectionist

I'm also a mom of two amazing boys, a wife, panda lover, and do-gooder.

I began my coaching business as a way to help women overcome self-judgment and perfectionism so that they can make the mental space to do things that bring them joy and to be successful.

If you're curious how you can work with me, I'd love to have a conversation about it.

©️ Karen McClure 2024









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